
That's genius.

Welcome home, you mad bastard.

I am very cross with you Dr. Daniel Castellano.

I loved Agents of Atlas so incredibly much. It and the first two Immortal Iron First arcs are probably my favorite Marvel books from the last decade(give or take).

Done. Glad we could work this out.

Honestly, calling them a solo is probably giving them more credit than they deserve. Let's just go with bridge from now on.

Demonstrably wrong? Find me the song on that album where the bridge/guitar solo doesn't mimic the melody line. No, wait, I'll save you 25 minutes(lol) of your life. You can't.

Yup. Every single time.

I knew without a doubt that Rivers Cuomo was an asshole when The Green Album first came out and I realized that every single guitar solo on the album was a mirror of the melody line. That cynical motherfucker couldn't even be bothered to write guitar solos for his generic bullshit. I'm also pretty sure that every

These guys are totally going to destroy Kane and those two jabronies known as the NAO at Wrestlemania this weekend.


Well now I feel like I owe Berto an apology. What a Bro!

The book is based in Odessa, which according to wikipedia has almost 100,000 residents, and I had always assumed that Dillon was supposed to be roughly the same size. Although I admit that's larger than I had assumed Dillon to be.

IM3 wasn't a technothriller, it was an 80's action movie.

Not at all. The show is more "based on" the book and movie than a retelling of it. Different characters, town and team names have been changed, etc.

First of all, I'd just like to say that I really liked this article.

Chandler's story about the gate at the end of that article is wonderful.

I realize I'm late to the party, but I just caught up on this episode and felt compelled to share that Drew's song was so unbelievably bad that it was physically uncomfortable. I mean, for fuck's sake kid, there are other chords than G and C, and I know you're going for the whole twee-indie-folk thing but you don't

I played all the DLC except for Lonesome Road on previous playthroughs, so the main goal for this one is to get that done before finishing this one off. I'll probably do Old World Blues again just because it's a ridiculous amount of fun, but just having the extra items, recipes, and perks from the Honest Hearts and

I *think* you can start aiming at specific body parts after leveling the unarmed skill up to a certain point. Or it might be a perk related to the unarmed skill. Or I could be remembering it wrong.