
Still on a New Vegas replay. Hit level 20 last night.


Tragic Kingdom is extraordinarily mediocre, but in retrospect I agree with the person who submitted Jagged Little Pill.

Goooooooood call.

Tragic Kingdom is to the 1990's as Frampton Comes Alive is to the 1970's.

But I'm not really sorry, because they were very delicious cheesecakes.

I think the biggest problem for me is they're evil *and* they don't seem to offer the player any real advantage to siding with them. When I play an evil character they're usually really greedy assholes, and if you go that route you're still better off siding with the NCR, at least initially, because they pay better

Yep. It was a decent, well-shot movie with about 10 too many scenes of Ryan Gosling staring off at the distance while leaning on things*, punctuated by short bursts of Alfred Brooks, Ron Perlman, and graphic violence.

The live version of They Might Be Giant's "She's An Angel" on Severe Tire Damage uses a Tuba for the bass line and makes a good song great.

In the middle of a New Vegas replay with the goal of beating the game and playing Lonesome Road, as it is the only DLC for that game I haven't played yet.

Does anyone know which version of FFIV the PSOne release is based on? Japanese or North American?

I was just sitting here thinking that if they pattern him after an existing character that it's got to be either "Dr. Deanbender" or "Deanstro."

I'm not gonna debate you, Sig1964.

Wow. That looks great.

So, wait. This guy decided he wanted to be a monster truck driver, got together with his friends and built one, and then six years later won a world title?

I mean, it *seems* obvious, but…….

I think I maybe I explained it badly. Or don't remember it well. It was from an interview from around the release of Dance.

And Bran.

I'm of the opinion that anyone left on the continent of Westeros is seriously boned when that wall comes down(and you best believe that fucker's coming down) and that he's been purposely moving everyone involved in the end-game out of harm's way over the last 2 books. Assuming I'm right that will go a long way towards

You are aware that you're allowed to stop watching the show if it bothers you that much, right?