
Tis a fair point.

I have a hard time getting into pop-punk because the kids who were into it at my HS were some of the most obnoxious, closed minded assholes I've ever had the displeasure to have known. They were very cliquish and completely unable to comprehend that any other type of music had any merit. Just all around bastard

Jack Kirby and Jim Starlin didn't fuck around with the weak shit, mang.

He's also a giant head in a stasis tank so….yes.

G.H.= Giant Head? ;)

The leader of the Kree(a bad ass alien race with blue skin) is an organic computer called The Supreme Intelligence. So, yes, at least one person thinks you might be on the right track.

If that was a Kree then I say the Clairvoyant is The Supreme Intelligence.

Especially that last platforming section.

What it sounds like from the reviews I've read is that they listened to a lot of the complaints after the first one and added a bunch of stuff to the game instead of just focusing on what it did best, which was provide the player with simple, varied, and satisfying ways to tear through a bunch of enemies.

LOVE LoS. Super-underrated game and fun game. I'll probably pick this up when it looks like I'll have some time to actually sit down and play it.

…began the worst fanfic ever.

I think MacGyver did this with a bunch rubber erasers once.

They will continue to make Thor and/or Loki movies until the ladies stop going to seem them, regardless of how this movie does.



I'm not 100% sure the promise keepers thing isn't a clue, given the whole Tuttle ministries thing.

This season is a disc, mang.

If there is something supernatural going on I hope it's left on the periphery and never addressed directly. Like maybe Cohle sees something crazy fucked up but isn't sure if it's a hallucination or not.

The Bravermans could use an injection of Buddy Garrity into their lives.

May is already Mockingbird in all but name, so having two on the same show would be redundant.