Lena Dunham
Lena Dunham
I think they actually wanted to use a different song, but were unable to get the rights at the last minute. It was a Rock tune from the 60s, like something by The Kinks.
but…he likes letterman!
Don't remember her.
Huey Long had them both beat.
Lou Bega is awesome.
Hopefully with no Marilyn Manson music this time.
I like Orson Welles.
Sir, I am in your debt.
You're right.
dental dam!
I want to lick Carol's sassy new hairdo, with all due respect.
Black lesbians from outer space should be its own show, but make it more classy, pitch it to AMC.
And none of the ladies are aware of…bjs??
Make sure she's a card carrying NRA member, Republican Wal-Mart employee as well, or I walk out. I walk out, HBO!
justice for kurt dot com
The bra store called…