You have definitely found a new home.
You have definitely found a new home.
I'm not a religious man by any means, but amen.
I'm not a religious man by any means, but amen.
I'm not a religious man by any means, but amen.
Nah, Joker would never be an underling. Not ever. He would've just set the whole city on fire and watched everyone scramble, including Bane. Fuck all this planning shit.
Nah, Joker would never be an underling. Not ever. He would've just set the whole city on fire and watched everyone scramble, including Bane. Fuck all this planning shit.
Patton Oswalt tweeted that a few months ago.
Patton Oswalt tweeted that a few months ago.
You're not allowed to bitch about things being revealed on the internet if you're there reading them on the internet in the first place. Just don't look, Lisa.
You're not allowed to bitch about things being revealed on the internet if you're there reading them on the internet in the first place. Just don't look, Lisa.
Definitely would've watched more. If you're going to go 2:45 for a summer blockbuster, you may as well go 3:00. I would've liked to have 'lived' in Bane's police state for a little while longer.
Definitely would've watched more. If you're going to go 2:45 for a summer blockbuster, you may as well go 3:00. I would've liked to have 'lived' in Bane's police state for a little while longer.
I agree. I watched BB and TDK before seeing this, and as much as I love the latter, there's far more extraneous stuff in there than I remember. TDK was Ledger's show from beginning to end, but TDKR felt much more well-rounded and like a true ensemble piece. Great performances all around from the entire cast.
I agree. I watched BB and TDK before seeing this, and as much as I love the latter, there's far more extraneous stuff in there than I remember. TDK was Ledger's show from beginning to end, but TDKR felt much more well-rounded and like a true ensemble piece. Great performances all around from the entire cast.
Hell yeah. I knew Nolan HAD to do that scene, but I wasn't sure when it was coming until Bane said it. I got nerd chills for sure.
Hell yeah. I knew Nolan HAD to do that scene, but I wasn't sure when it was coming until Bane said it. I got nerd chills for sure.
Loved it. Like a Scottish Darth Vader.
Loved it. Like a Scottish Darth Vader.
Maybe he did. It was clear that the mask helped him to speak as well as breathe, so maybe his regular voice needed some amplification.
Maybe he did. It was clear that the mask helped him to speak as well as breathe, so maybe his regular voice needed some amplification.