
With how many product placements were in the last one, I expect it to be wrapped in Axe Body Spray advertising.

DC: 'How many more taiko drum players can we get into this studio to record the Batman score?'

Calling a $37,000 annual salary 'dismal' is such a white people thing to say. No wonder it's in an article about shitty rom-coms.

Wow, now there's REALLY going to be a lot of fights at their shows. Yay?

Holy fucking christ. He looks like one of the Rich Dicks on the Kroll Show.

Damn you, Florida. All it would've taken was one little telephone pole.

Your mom does it for me.

Hey, it says 'in the end'. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT

Where's Chris Hardwick when you need him? Hopefully at the bottom of a well.

The trailer for this piece of shit is ludicrous. The fact that it's supposed to make me want to take Justin's shallow life lessons that sound as if they came from a fortune cookie anywhere near seriously is fucking insulting. The day this asshole drives a Ferrari into a tree can't come any sooner.

9 points higher than 'Man of Steel' should've gotten. Thanks.

A meaningless fuck would be far more enjoyable.

I cannot thank you enough for including 'Man of Steel'. Hands DOWN the biggest disappointment of the year by a very wide margin. It does not 'have problems', you fucking dorks. It is a giant, steaming pile of cynical, bombastic horseshit that should've made about six dollars worldwide. Was there a reason we needed to

Wow, you all seem really fussy today.

You do not know what you're talking about.

That whole middle-to-end section of Jane's Addiction's 'Three Days'. Transfuckingcendent.

The original is by Ed's Redeeming Qualities, the favorite band of my most annoying ex-girlfriend. She never shut up about them. Ever.

That was explained with all the Tahiti stuff. If he IS an LMD or what-have-you, it's a suitable explanation to appease his consciousness. The scar is at least a reminder of what happened to him. If he woke up from being 'dead' and didn't have one, don't you think he'd be a little more suspicious than if he did?

So he doesn't not see it there and think 'Where the fuck is the scar I should have from being skewered by an alien sword a few days ago?' Come on now.

Oh good! I needed to hear about something absolutely intolerable to start off my morning.