You are insane. Indiana Jones is one of the best dark rides ever. Dry riverbed? 10 minutes? What the what?
You are insane. Indiana Jones is one of the best dark rides ever. Dry riverbed? 10 minutes? What the what?
@avclub-498b92b465f407b93e2cd25f9cc5b97f:disqus Didn't you pawn it to pay for your inhalers?
Jason Bateman got one of the best Star Wars references ever in that movie.
Maybe, but Ren Fairs suck ass.
They filmed this episode during the 24-hour 'One More Disney Day' event on Leap Day at the park, as well. It was pretty nuts that day, so I'm sure they could only do so much to hide the barricades and cast members.
I'm an AP holder too, and it was nice to see they at least tried to get the details right. The geography was a little off, but still. A buddy of mine was Show Director on the refurb of Mr. Lincoln, and he was really happy they used that particular attraction as the centerpiece of the show. So that was nice.
Six Flags is only enjoyable if you like getting shot at. I live out here. Trust me.
From Peg, of course.
There were certainly a lot of people who were pissed, but of course, a larger handful who just yelled 'WOOOOOOOO!' whenever the Rock showed up onscreen. The wall-eyed chick who plays Lady Jaye is embarrassing. The whole thing feels like it was cast with people off the street.
Yeah, how dare people who enjoy a certain director go to see their movies. They should pack the place with whooping Michael Bay enthusiasts instead. 'Oh fuck yeah, read that book motherfucker! You just OWNED THAT SHIT!'
I did see it for free, and not on purpose. There was a preview screening by Paramount in my area that was widely expected to be 'The Avengers', but turned out to be this turd instead.
I've seen 'GI Joe: Retaliation' already, and it is a HUGE piece of shit. I'm sure it will probably make a fucking bundle, but believe me - it sucks ass. It plays like a Z-grade Marines enrollment video that even Kid Rock wouldn't star in. I don't know who Jon M. Chu rimmed to cash in on this one, but he should've…
Wow, your life sucks ass.
But his PARENTS are DEAD! :(
@avclub-188934b799f9c866379dd96bc600a688:disqus I secretly think she's retarded, but has some sort of dirty secret on a shitload of TV producers.
Billy Corgan sounded and sounds like a transvestite on the verge of tears.
I'll phone her publicist to let her know you have refused her feminine wiles.
He should've called her a 'winking eye'.
He's a non-angsty hyper-dangerous rage monster. Who knew the key to playing Hulk was to play it straight?