Happy Accident

As fantastic as Breaking Bad was this year (and by the way, I fucking loved Crawl Space's ending), I couldn't help but feel that Vince Gilligan and his writers were a bit short on ambition with this fourth season. It was very well plotted, but it lacked the kind of rich detail and thematic content that earlier seasons

That reunion sequence at Costgo had me cracking up so hard. I just didn't see it coming.

Never seen this. How does Southland compare to The Shield?

Shimmy Jimms

One way or another, he's going to FUCK YOU BACK, in ways you never even imagined!

Funny how words can be so open to interpretation.

Is it blasphemy to suspect that American Dad might be approaching Futurama levels of animated awesomeness? Certainly it's not there yet, but the two shows are at least comparable now.

Really liked this episode. B+ seems accurate but I would've gone as high as A- because I did find most of it hilarious.

Glad to finally see that particular episode of BrBa getting the praise it deserves. That twist in the final act is still one of the best moments in the entire series. My personal pick would still be Crawl Space, because despite maybe the relatively aimless first half of the episode, the payoff was absolutely

Season 4 definitely had its flaws. Part of it is due to the fact that the writers had painted themselves into a tight corner from the start of the season, and furthermore is BrBa's commitment to progressions in the plot being as organic as possible, so it restricts the number of ways out they have.

Agreed. I'd personally replace it with Salud. Or Hermanos.

I'm probably one of the only few people who didn't find Duckling as spectacular as most seemed to do.

Good list. Expected Homeland to be higher though. Also, too bad Alphas wasn't included.

Haven't watched much of Parks & Recreation, but I think one thing Louie has over Breaking Bad is that it explores a wider range of emotions and has greater thematic depth overall. The latter is bold, thrilling tv but it doesn't take as many risks as Louie does.

Homeland's first season has been phenomenal, but it still doesn't have as strong of a narrative voice as Breaking Bad does, I think. Because the latter operates on such a compact scale of storytelling, it's able to focus nearly every bit of its attention on Walter and his arc, and it gives the show a better sense of

Just gonna agree with some of the others here. I thought it was on par, if not better than the recent episodes this season. Around an A- for me.

Hello from the future.

Don't really care for the lighter tone of this season. Also, there's only so many ways you can pull the "dohoho little do they know I'm a serial killer, cue dramatic irony" thing without it getting stale and unfunny.

Watching the episode again, I enjoyed it a bit more. My only gripe now is not with the ricin plotline, but with how quickly Jesse seemed to deduce that it was Walt who did the poisoning. Granted, only the two of them knew about the ricin, and Jesse was emotionally devastated and needed to blame someone, but it still

Hey if you really liked the episode, that's cool. I'm just starting to think that the BrBa writers aren't all-knowing and perfect. Let's hope I'm wrong, though.