Happy Accident

My worst fear is that this is all heading into Lost territory, where the fans are speculating endlessly when in fact, we're all possibly a step ahead of the writers. The ricin coming back to haunt Jesse's loved ones was a mile away coming. Hopefully they will delve into how the poisoning REALLY happened, and who

Watching this episode added a year to my lifespan.

Scariest hour of television I've ever witnessed.

I love how after all of Walter's attempts to poison Gus, Gus is the one who ends up poisoning himself, but to the success of his own plan.

Christ, that was brutal. Up until now, Walter has never actually, really struck me as being evil—just childish. Tonight though, some of the stuff he said to Jesse was just downright harsh. Take off to Mexico and screw up and be disposed of in a barrel somewhere? You KILLED me? Tonight, he was Tony Soprano levels of