
Review completely on point. I wish they'd just gone with an entirely Callie-centric episode. Also, I am not ready for Meredith to start dating again.

Glad reviews are on! :-)

I'm overjoyed to see Grey's' reviews on this site and fervently hope that this continues.

V. creative, having mum's bf cook meth in a trailer and be called Walter. =_=

This review and the grade is offensively off-base, in its whinging.

These reviews are equally masterful.

I think so, too. I wish JM's influence ("I prefer this, I want that") on the writers/creators creative decisions is working out to have a negative effect on the show. If they really wanted it, they could give Archie Panjabi fantastic material to work with and the fans would have a great Kalinda goodbye that they

I wish the reviewer would get over Alicia, Diane and Cary not having interpersonal scenes in the last few episodes. While to have those scenes would certainly be nice, constantly complaining about it poses the risk of her missing out on the other great stuff that these episodes have contained.

Ugh, these reviews have been missing so much.

I think Jimmy 'came' inside Fiona (considering his weird facial expressions; not all of it was grief and confusion), and given that [SPOILER] JJS isn't sticking around for long, I think she got impregnated by him.

Review mostly off-point. The episode was very consistent in it's continued portrayal of while privilege. It wouldn't make sense for the writers to suddenly make the characters more racially compassionate. To me, it was a very cynical look into American politics. One can be outraged at the characters (who resemble real