
"Shut up and hem, you old fruit."
The Woodhouse references practically write themselves!

I'm supposed to believe Led Zeppelin recorded a decent version of Kashmir recently?

Whee! Disqus let me back in for the first time since the redesign!

Ketchup/sriracha? The correct answer is clearly mayo/sriracha.

Ive grown very attached to Captain Morgan Black. Shit's gonna give me (more of) a drinking problem.

I dont. Its really a mystery why I hang out here so much.

You've …thought this through.

I look forward to ironically watching this.

Ha! Peasants.

Aint no one beating a path to that door.

Something something Bush and Cheney.


Music is over, find other hobbies.

Cool, thanks for the info.

Is it sour? I didnt know anything about it besides that it was delicious. It tasted very fruity, but I guess I can see how it could be called that.

This weekend I tried a little wood paneled bar in my neighborhood, and drank something called a "Flemish Red." IT was think and tasted heavily of cherries, and even though Im more of an IPA person, I thought it was great. Not sure if it would would be worth it in a bottle.

This seems like a really long way to go. I can't imagine his career would be hurt if he just came out already.

I knew iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit! *fades to distant thump*

Not Freddie.

I was considering forwarding this to a couple of people, but it looks like we all decided it is both uncool and lame.