
One thing I wasn't quite clear on - how did Hannibal know that Gideon would be at the Observatory?

Ok, I'm just going to throw this out there as a crazy theory, but I've always thought that Mrs. S knows a bit more than she's letting on. I couldn't help but notice that her actress and Maslany look fairly similar. So here's my theory - she is the mother of all of the clones. Either that, or slightly more farfetched,

YES! I'm so glad I'm not the only one who picked up on this. It was basically identical - the colors were different and the furniture more modern, but they layout was identical to Room 237. And the FBI bathroom in an earlier episode was the red bathroom from the Overlook Hotel. I'd have to assume they're just homages

I loved that Allison's hot glue interrogation sequence was basically Tarantino-by-way-of-Martha-Stewart

So, the origami in her apartment means Bel's a replicant?

So, the origami in her apartment means Bel's a replicant?

My issue with the Hunger Games is not that the backstory isn't laid out for the reader/viewer, it's more that what we are given does not make sense.