Dr. McPippington

Wait, they are allowing reasonable discussions now on Savage love?

Vampires are scary…. AND SEXY.

Vampires are scary…. AND SEXY.

But who will help me when I get canceraids?

But who will help me when I get canceraids?

Has anyone…
see these guys live? I always loved "So this is Goodbye" but didn't know if they could transfer the sound sucessfully to a live show.

My True Love
… was my first love.

Way to call it like you see it on the quickfire challenge, Padma.

Hey Man,
Nice shot.

I guess the second season was pretty good too.

I liked the first season best.

Lets not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet.

Random but…
I definitely heard the sound effect that the Dragons make in Warcraft II - am I crazy, a huge nerd, or both?

…there's a golden retriever who's having a seizure
Somewhere there's a pup seizin' up
Theres a Labrador who's shakin' on the floor
Think about the epileptic dogs
Send us some money, to stop these dogs from actin' funny
Send check in the letter to make a setter feel better
Come on and make a donation to save a

The reply to your own comment was the funniest thing I have heard all day. I have been at work listening to powerpoint presentations in IT security but still… ALL DAY!

Can you stream Netflix on a Wii yet? Has anyone done it successfully?

I have never heard of this before thanks for the tip… and yes the theory he puts forth seems to range from crazy to "bat-shit" crazy:

This book should come bundled with a free copy of "Catcher in the Rye".

Now nerds will have to find another reason to enter the Whale's Vagina… sigh.

Shutter's Full!
Oh, the silent majesty of a winter's morn… the clean, cool chill of the holiday air… an asshole in his bathrobe, emptying a chemical toilet into my sewer…