Brian Smith

Don't say "Cochise" to this dog.

Less than 36 hours earlier, Dwight thought Jim had brought him to an empty field to whack him with a bazooka. Jim thinking Dwight was firing him in a fit of pique really didn't seem that crazy to me.

Harryhausen's scene in the 1998 movie is actually the one I remember most, because it works as both romantic and as homage. Terry Moore (Jill Young in the original) sees Charlize Theron (Jill Young in the remake):
Terry: "She reminds me of somebody, but I can't think who it is."
Ray: "You, when we first met."

"Voyage of the Darned," when they're stranded on a Caribbean island and they stumble onto the diary of a man who was stranded there before them:

"'Wings,' 'Wings,' 'Wings' and 'Wings' will not be seen tonight so USA can bring you this original movie."

My town had a DJ back in 2003 who announced the birth of Nelly Furtado's daughter by saying, "Nelly Furtado's a MILF now!" She was 24. He instantly got added to the list of DJs I want to punch in the face, right after the guy who got on the air after a Beatles song and said, "That's the band that invented rock 'n'

There's an old "Al TV" where Weird Al does a fake interview with Paula Abdul, editing his questions into her responses to totally different questions. I can't remember Paula's answer to save my life, but one of his questions was something like, "The video to 'Promise of a New Day' was shot in widescreen and compressed

Visiting my old high school last year, I was delighted to see every one of the bats=bugs strips posted on the wall of the science lab.

Years ago, I told my grandmother about that strip — "Who was the first person to look at a cow and say 'I think I'll drink whatever comes out of these things when I squeeze 'em!'" — and my grandmother replied, "I'm sure he saw the calf drinking it and knew it was safe." So I'm always glad when the strip (and the

@avclub-646709d0ce8fec7d0c6734a04bb676b0:disqus Now I'm obliged to quote probably my all-time-favorite exchange from "3rd Rock from the Sun":
Officer Don, on being a cop: "It's a gritty job where a good day is one where you come home alive."
Tommy: "Isn't that pretty much a good day for anyone?"

Always liked Bonnie Franklin too — and always thought the old "Outweek" sketch on "Saturday Night Live" (Michael Keaton and Dana Carvey, November 1992) was really unfair to her. Prince Charles and Wilford Brimley "outed" as gay? Whatever! Dan Rather's secretly bald? Pshyeah! Bonnie Franklin is a lousy lay? Hey…I know

Thank you no. Thyouno.

My moment of this: Queen's sound effect for Ming the Merciless's ring showing up in "Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World." Laughed out loud, then realized very quickly that I was the oldest person at that screening.

Also? Matthew Perry played Sandy in "Growing Pains," a perfectly good boyfriend for Carol until he was written out. SPECULATION: A happy, well-adjusted Carol would have deprived the show of one of its main running jokes: "God, Carol, you sure are fat!"

TRUE FACT: I was staying up late watching Letterman when the Schmenge Brothers performed ( http://www.youtube.com/watc… ), and I *knew* it was Eugene Levy and John Candy, but I was still thinking, "How am I the only one who doesn't know this song? Everybody in the audience LOVES this song!"

Internet says that line comes from "Emancipation," in the third season…but now I really like the idea that for the entire run of the show all the evidence supported Dewey becoming a wildly successful multimillionaire adult.

The rest of the episode, if you don't mind some spoilers:

@avclub-d155e6847d268061f3d8cd008a44a202:disqus Supporting evidence: Ann Landers would sometimes give herself 40 lashes with a wet noodle, and she told some of her readers they should do the same.

Back in the '80s, when I was a super-impressionable teenager and Kevin Seal hosted the outros to MTV's late-night "Monty Python's Flying Circus" reruns, he said something like, "If you haven't seen all of these by now, you should pick one and just not watch it. Live the rest of your life knowing that there's still one

Or, in the case of "Outlaws," piled on so much high-concept nonsense that disbelief could never, ever be suspended: https://www.youtube.com/wat…