Brian Smith

Or, in the case of "Outlaws," piled on so much high-concept nonsense that disbelief could never, ever be suspended: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

More kids today need to know Mel Torme from maybe the single most shared, most stolen Mark Evanier column ever: http://www.newsfromme.com/p…

More kids today need to know Mel Torme from maybe the single most shared, most stolen Mark Evanier column ever: http://www.newsfromme.com/p…

40 is right; I and my classmates are 40-41 now, and somehow the "Did you shoot J.R.?" "game" caught on among us in elementary school. You take the other person's open hand and ask the question, tapping the person's fingertips, once per syllable. When the person says "No" to the question, take the last finger you

40 is right; I and my classmates are 40-41 now, and somehow the "Did you shoot J.R.?" "game" caught on among us in elementary school. You take the other person's open hand and ask the question, tapping the person's fingertips, once per syllable. When the person says "No" to the question, take the last finger you

A few years ago, Hagman and Eden appeared on I think "The Today Show" (I've looked, but I can't find the clip)…and while I'm paraphrasing this Larry Hagman quote, please believe me when I say he said something like this:

A few years ago, Hagman and Eden appeared on I think "The Today Show" (I've looked, but I can't find the clip)…and while I'm paraphrasing this Larry Hagman quote, please believe me when I say he said something like this:

FUN FACT: The Simpsons debuted on Sundays and now is a staple on Sundays, but for a magical few years, it was Fox's attempt to take down "The Cosby Show" on Thursdays. For more information, I refer you to the 1990 "Entertainment Weekly" article titled…oh, dear God, it's titled "It's Cosby's Brood vs. the Radical Dude."

FUN FACT: The Simpsons debuted on Sundays and now is a staple on Sundays, but for a magical few years, it was Fox's attempt to take down "The Cosby Show" on Thursdays. For more information, I refer you to the 1990 "Entertainment Weekly" article titled…oh, dear God, it's titled "It's Cosby's Brood vs. the Radical Dude."

@avclub-7c0309b913da427825e1524ba86b483b:disqus : I'd heard once that tossed salad and scrambled eggs were both uniquely mixed up, and thus a metaphor for the callers on the show. Frasier had a job making pat diagnoses of patients' problems without first obtaining their full medical history, which was about as

@avclub-7c0309b913da427825e1524ba86b483b:disqus : I'd heard once that tossed salad and scrambled eggs were both uniquely mixed up, and thus a metaphor for the callers on the show. Frasier had a job making pat diagnoses of patients' problems without first obtaining their full medical history, which was about as

This article got me to look up Lewis Grizzard's tribute to Del Shannon, which I remembered as being touching, but now it just seems like a crazy old-man rant: "Rock 'n' roll stars from that era were different from those of today. They didn't appear on stage half-naked, they didn't smash their guitars, they didn't bite

This article got me to look up Lewis Grizzard's tribute to Del Shannon, which I remembered as being touching, but now it just seems like a crazy old-man rant: "Rock 'n' roll stars from that era were different from those of today. They didn't appear on stage half-naked, they didn't smash their guitars, they didn't bite

Anyone else have to deal that summer with grown-ups who didn't understand why kids were wearing T-shirts with a picture of an open mouth with four really bad teeth?

Anyone else have to deal that summer with grown-ups who didn't understand why kids were wearing T-shirts with a picture of an open mouth with four really bad teeth?

"They thought they had the unusually high ground when they made their pitch, but now the line drive of public reaction has them up in the air, knocking off the proverbial clothing of good will."

"They thought they had the unusually high ground when they made their pitch, but now the line drive of public reaction has them up in the air, knocking off the proverbial clothing of good will."

I just showed a clip of her in "Day By Day" to a friend of mine. Him: "How old is she there? About 20?" Me: "28." Him: "Oh my GOD."