
If it was "the house that Banner built" being designed to hold in the Hulk one could easily assume those windows were just made to look like windows and were actually screens projecting what was outside but was really the super walls as the rest of it.

Nothing wrong with gender assigning a mailbox. Who are you to assume that R2 is male?

Andy supposedly got her to fall off the wagon again and helped her obtain cocaine. That set her off the deep end which resulted in her murdering Phil.

Except there was more to that than we saw. Eddie's whole "I don't know what came over me" is a big clue.

Technically the younger one is supposed to alter her name in some way. Wonder why this one isn't being enforced.

The manager of the rest home was Jillian Armenante who was on Judging Amy.

Lets not forget he is directly responsible for Phil's death. I will never forgive him for that.

Technically, the tea party was in the break room.

My theory is that that Finnish vikings years ago stole all the vowels from the Welsh and incorporated them into their own language.

Also, everyone bitching about it seems to be missing the one important line that makes Jane K as a Native possible. In one of her flashbacks her Dad says "even my white grandpa knows what a buffalo is" thus allowing her to pass enough as white with some augmentations.

Blood is from master alien, not 2nd level. Master alien has larger reset points.

Better known? Millers Crossing is a damn classic!

I love her more with mustard on her face.

His commentary track on that movie is a highlight of awesome for me.

As has been pointed out elsewhere, this is not our timeline. Any historical points of contention should be looked upon as a chance to see what the world would be like in a reality just off kilter of our own.

Agreed. Same for the TDKR movie. The biggest problem for me was dropping the inner monologue from both of those films. A majority of the story in both of those is in Bruce and Gordon's heads.

It would line up to end the season with something 'magical' as they have done before. Happens at the end of the third book and we should be done with book three this season so I don't see it not occurring.

If Lena Headey's instagram post is to be believed, we are going to see her next week.

Same material as Ollie's new mask?