
I asked the same thing but then remembered Slade/Brother Blood has had dirty cops previously this season and just accepted that.

I will freely admit I am a huge Moffat fan but have never understood anyone who thinks he can't write good characters, especially women. All the female leads in Coupling? Amy Pond? River Song? I have often found that his strong character work is not as clear and out there as some prefer, its in the little details that

Is it so damn terrible to enjoy some more music from the film and read an occasional credit respecting the hard work that went into making your entertainment?  Regardless of if there is a scene after the credits or not…staying through the credits is part of the film.

One of Walt's signature features has been the way he adopts mannerisms and actions of those he had killed.

Well technically, it was Worf's grandfather who defended Kirk and McCoy in Star Trek 6 (and his name was Worf as well, TNG Worf was named after him) so there is justification for this.

The Volm Commander was physically played by Doug, but a different voice actor provided the audio.

Their builds are close enough though. Remember in Operation PROM when they showed up Hatred asked the Monarch "what are you…a size Doc?" and then Monarch was wearing Rusty's old tux.

Anyone else feel this was the exact same plot as the 'Rear Window' homage Castle did a few weeks ago?

If you are reffering to the current duplicate Dean, you would be incorrect. That would be J.P. Manoux: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm… (who played the Moby dj at the bar mitzvah party and interestingly enough played 'Not Moby' in an episode of How I Met Your Mother)

Looks like they are peppering the previews with bits from all of the episodes left this season.

One does not simply forget Moonraker.

the show would be "Climax!" made in 1954: http://www.imdb.com/title/t… (it had no reference to "007" so it didn't get included) I did include NSNA (just because it gave us extra Sean Connery) but decided to leave out the spoof Casino Royale.

I tried out many but was just never happy with any others. Decided to give the honor to Bernard Lee to finish it off and just chose one of his at random.

That would be Moonraker.  That whole film is made up of Why? WHY?

If nothing else, your comment has made this video totally worth it.

That bit is actually the QUIETEST Bernard Lee mumbling of "double oh" I boosted the levels on that thing so much and you can still barely hear it. But yes, I needed to leave it because it was the one shot of George I had to have there.

@avclub-df80f70f60b1c678f8c91696f4a54f5f:disqus why? For fun mostly. I love the concept of Super Cuts and just wanted to add my idea to the mix.

Not artificially sped up at all (I edited this) All I did was place the clips in descending order of length.

Thanks for featuring my vid. Glad to see more people enjoying it.

As the guy who put this vid together…I have tremendous respect for Lazenby. Only had a few mentions of "double oh" in OHMSS but they are in there.