
You should take Psychopharmacology. I hear it's about crazy farm animals!

I think the Pistons need to seriously reconsider bringing that logo back.

I wasn't there when this happened, but I remember hearing that all of "Pillows & Blankets" was pre-empted by an Indians game that went into extra innings.

I had a nightmare last night that I was watching the season 5 premiere of Community, it was totally awesome and hilarious (and I remember in my dream thinking "This must be the thing that Ken Jeong laughed at for 5 minutes straight!") and then, with about a third of the episode to go, my affiliate (in this case, WKYC

Even better, he claimed Scott Pilgram to be Wright's "masterpiece," and that, my friends, is something I can get behind.

I badly need to watch it again, as I rented the DVD when it first came out, and missed just about every important part due to my friend's lack of good sound options/constant talking amongst friends.

Ooh, college radio is definitely the way to go. I'm waiting patiently to get my show (shameless plug) back up and running again!

To be fair, that's not really very funny.

*studio audience laughter*

I miss the SuperSonics so much. They definitely had my favorite NBA team name.

Community Series Finale Idea

Bill Murray?

Yeah, I was at least happy to see that it got into the top half of this list.

1. Either the Venture Bros or Comedy Bang Bang

@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus - Fair enough, I should have phrased that better. Still, it's one of my favorite XTC records, and almost every review I've read outside of XTC fan circles (and even some within those circles) has been pretty critical of it. Therefore, I literally find Mummer to be a

Indeed, the bonus tracks are great. Really gives you a sense of the poppier album it could have been if Andy had wanted it that way.

No way is it worse than Whammy! or Subterranean Jungle. If those get to be on here, than it's clearly a list of "Albums from 1983 that aren't as good as Albums from Other Years," and Mummer fits in fine.

Whenever XTC's Mummer isn't on this list, the people should ask, "Where's Mummer?"