
No he didn't.

Paul F. Tompkins is one of my favorite favorite people.

Oh… didn't see that "Oldest" was still there. Oooooops. Downvote this, please!

So… are we to infer that Nathan Ford's Evil Twin's original first post on this article is completely submerged and can never be excavated? Poor guy, getting his life's work buried like that…

Obvious exits are north, south, and Dennis.

Well, NuDisqus is weird and foreign to me, but at least the blow's been softened by the Homestar Runner article on the front page today. As the forum's resident "Eh, Steve!", this makes me happy.

A book of matches!

Eh, Steve!

Okay, I'll be ready.

I had a dream last night that NBC decided to premiere Community this Thursday. Only, they didn't announce they were doing so until like an hour before 8PM, so I got a text from a friend about it with like 15 minutes until it started, and I had to start sprinting home to get to my TV in time. I woke up before I got

Well, that's one way of doing it…

It's funny, for the longest time, I thought she was a BBT fan because I saw a picture of her wearing a "BAZINGA!JIO!EHUIPEY*){P YE" t-shirt, but, it turns out, her mom bought it for her and she only wore it to be polite. So dilemma deleted!

So I have a girlfriend now, and a few days ago, I introduced her to Community by showing her the first four episodes. She was laughing pretty consistently, and I think she's excited to keep watching it, so this is pretty cool. Hopefully we'll be all caught up in time for the Season Five premiere. We'll cross that

That is an odd opinion, but it's pretty close to being an all-around good opinion. Friend this man, digi!!

Sound like it's gone from a theory to a fact!

So we have to adjust for inflation, then?

BG wins again! We have like 3 Chinese delivery places! Go Falcons!!

World Peace?

Actual posts from the actual r/community!