AV Club covers video games? LIAR!
AV Club covers video games? LIAR!
Howard Stern played a clip of Fallon from guesting on America's Got Talent where he's doing impressions of comedians one after another. Dude is an AMAZING impressionist.
China O'Brien (remake)
Impossible Hotness: The Kristen Bell Story
The second [sic] is there because Warner Bros is actually claiming to be the living embodiment of research that the movie won't have an audience. It is truly what they are.
But I think at the end of the credits it said:
I choose to believe this is really Jeff Bridges.
It's pretty much the exact same plot as The Squid and the Whale but with 20% more decapitations.
Maybe Jerry the character would be different if Jerry the actor had more acting skills, but they wrote Jerry the character to be like a real person who acts like Jerry acting.
I'm not going to name names, but it seems like a lot of people don't understand the point of a review. Not just in this thread but in a lot of these comments. At least sarCCastro gets it.
Never Let Me Go There?
Comfort Eagle Eye?
Is This Love, Actually?
All Sheep Go To Heaven?
Superdeformed! He didn't say a HALF-black female.
Cookie Monster,
It's like Harry Potter but actually it's Law & Order but where the lawyers all sleep together and there's no magic or kids, and we have Jerry O'Connell's brother and Janice from Friends attached to star.
I can see how "adult Harry Potter" would just mean a more mature story of kids becoming magicians, but when I first read it I thought they meant a story in a magical world a la Harry Potter but featuring adults instead of a high school.
I think Poehler gave birth a few weeks ago.
I am shocked to see Penny Arcade Vol 6 coming out, as I read Penny Arcade every week and they haven't mentioned it at all as far as I'm aware. I can't wait to pick it up! It's a great format for reading (or re-reading) the strips.
I think the original post was just an elaborate excuse to say "I know that Jeremy Renner was on Angel once!"
I always thought that was a fake reality show.
I couldn't remember if I liked her or if I just knew it was considered cool to like her, but that clip from the Daily Show was really funny.