Maple Street



Green With Envy…

@Spanky, I think it was Clayface too. I thought it was a training exercise, but on another site somebody pointed out the location and date-stamps on it and said it was a real mission. They just did a super-quick cut to the heros in Mount Justice immediately after. It's not amazing, but I enjoy it too.

LION… are you jealous of Starz?

I actually feel a little empty inside now until I see that Starz has asked wtf and lol'd. I've been on the boards too long.

I was really excited when I saw this would be reviewed for the New Cult Canon. When I was a teenager, I loved it (partly, I'm sure, cause I felt so smart by catching all the anti-authoritarian subtext). But all my friends, even the ones smarter than me, kept telling me it was a vacuous movie with bad actors that was

I agree with Miles Underground. The two in the woods could've easily been Bo's men, turned by the two cartel members. It fits with Boyd's count of how many men Bo would've had. I remembered thinking (as I rewatched the ep last night), if the child molestor was the only one in the house, where was everyone else?
If I

All crazy aside, I don't care what your religion is, when you've devoted yourself to doing what you think is right and leading others in that same direction, watching it turn to shit (and wondering if you could have prevented it) can break your spirit. Which I think was a point excellently made in the episode.

Yep. He could've crawled into the house, depending on the extent of his injury and the size of his balls. That's all I'm saying.

No Texans?
Dare I hope we escape?

Re: Relationships with their fathers…

Raylan's prayer, "Shit," and "Arlo, use your words" are my three favorite moments from the season overall.

Yeah, gut-shot victims take the longest time to die. I was thinking it was weird for Bo to leave him that way if he really intended to kill him. Wanted him to suffer? Couldn't bear to finish him by shooting him in the face? It was interesting.

Ohhhh Martha. The Riley Finn of the Doctor Who universe.

I also thought it was neat that at the start of the episode, any situation where Amy and Rory were settled happily in a boring life together felt horribly horribly false to us.

Heterophone FTW.

Very clever.

I didn't start watching the show until Russel Davies started it up again, and I also didn't get that it was the Doctor. Maybe that's part of it. I just kept assuming he was a villain from the older series that I wouldn't have been able to know.

I agree their main goal is to offend. But they don't believe what they're spouting? …