Spam Spaz

As someone who really liked this show, I think it can sometimes be too overt, especially with the ending of Waldo and the Credits episode. Super hamfisted commentary comes off as a bit preachy. The show really shines where it is a bit more subtle, like History of You and the Husband episode. Overall I still really

The fact that he is a fan of Venetian Snares makes total sense. I wonder if he's an Igorrr fan.

The front end of this record is catchy as fuck but by the time it was over I was bored, reviewer is correct in saying he needs some variety.

Because I lived in a residence completely filled with bros I've heard shitty acoustic covers more than the actual version.

I prefer Love Below, Speakerboxxx is exhausting and the skits fall flat, Not bad by any means, Church and Last Call and all that, but Love Below is 100% flawless.  A beautiful and insanely hooky album, da best.

Know how to show you truly love a woman?  Threaten to send letters to everyone she is connected to until she responds to you.

I watched an episode of this on TV and was freaked out when two twins I had an acting class with were the villains/sex appeal.  Canadian TV is hard to watch if you had an abandoned a theatre undergrad at a Canadian theatre school.

Mawaru Penguindrum's mid series song change was especially fun.

Where's Aqua Teen Hunger Force in this list?  The intro changes have been insane the last couple of seasons.

I love your name.

I keep trying to pick these up again but always get stuck around vol 2 or 3 because the art, to my eyes, is so ugly that I can't force myself to continue.

I keep trying to pick these up again but always get stuck around vol 2 or 3 because the art, to my eyes, is so ugly that I can't force myself to continue.

This movie proved to me that Tim is a fantastic actor and has an insane amount of talent hidden in his crusty, aggressive exterior.  I feel like people won't take him seriously because of his tenure as an anti-comedian, a music satirist, and now acting in this.  In all three he is fantastic, but it's hidden underneath

This movie proved to me that Tim is a fantastic actor and has an insane amount of talent hidden in his crusty, aggressive exterior.  I feel like people won't take him seriously because of his tenure as an anti-comedian, a music satirist, and now acting in this.  In all three he is fantastic, but it's hidden underneath

High School Shakespeare Theatre Thread:

High School Shakespeare Theatre Thread:

Buck 65
Is my favourite musician of all time. Maybe it is because I am from Toronto and have more exposure to his music, but he never went away for me and revolutionized how I listen to music. I have, at current count, 16.6 hours of unique Buck65 tracks on my computer and don't go a day without listening to his

"Dont get bit ya dingus, for your health."

Where the movie was going
I would never have predicted that the movie would go the way it did, and the conclusion is a fantastic thesis on where art will be going in the future. It's horrorfying and fascinating, necessary viewing.

I am completely serious about Savoy Truffle