

Hear hear. Thanks for another great coverage.

Most LCD TVs are badly calibrated, so it's a plausible cause. On the other hand, many of those DVD reviews were likely still done on a tube TV. So, I dunno

A stunned audience seems to be a common thing for DOGTOOTH. Same thing happened at the screening I went at a different festival. I actually laughed toward the end, because it got to be so awesome.

Foreign DVD then?
I know for a fac that this movie got released elsewhere in the world. Is this going to be another American movie which we can only watch on a Foreign DVD? What the fuck?

Guys, the list of theatres has been updated (after the 'demands') and it'll be playing at the Metreon and Mercado (listed as San Jose, but I'm pretty sure it's in Santa Clara).


I don't see a common style in his movies, aside from very careful pacing. Certainly I don't see Ikiru or High and Low in any of his movies. The Ozu comparison refers to shit movie only — at least it'd better be.

Yeah, this movie is very good once you realize it's really about Neeson and Nesbitt's characters. I'm very happy that it's finally hitting the theatres here; people in UK and Ireland already got to see it on TV.

Spread the blame, Keith
This movie won like 84982424 awards from the Japanese Academy, so it's probably unfair to single out AMPAS. Also, I'd take this over last year's Best Foreign Language Film winner The Counterfeiters any day. Damn I hated that movie.

Bumping up the grades would have been silly, seeing how every critic here views movies differently. That only works if there were only one writer at AVC.

Brillante Mendoza
Does he count as a newcomer? Wasn't his Serbis in competition last year? That movie was … ok, though I didn't need to watch a 500 minute scene of someone cleaning an overflooded men's room in a dilapidated porn moviehouse. I like Foster Child much more though it has the same feel, and I'm curious

I liked Mendoza's previous work, Foster Child, a lot. Looking forward to this — hopefully it shows up around here soon.

I thought it might be more informative to readers if this list were for movies that CAN be released on R1 DVDs. Something like Los Angeles Plays Itself will likely never be released commercially, so it should belong to such a list. Perhaps this was intentional, but there are other movies that belong to

yes, and that dude is also the director.

I saw this at Sundance this year and thought this was a very clever and enjoyable movie. A couple of weeks ago I was happy to see that the (US) trailer finally hit the theatres — meaning that the release was now imminent. To my horror, the damn thing gave away practically all the fun details. Seriously, is

This is the third movie I've seen this year with a bully theme — the other two are Ben X and Klass. While the bullying depicted here pale in comparion with those two, this movie is far, far more chilling.