
krystal is way too big of a liability for clone club. she doesn't have any skills that could be useful to the club. i don't think her going back to her normal daily routine is going to fix the problem.

preview for next episode looks great!

this is heartbreaking for me because i love the cast so much but i couldn't finish this movie. i've tried very hard multiple times.

i loved it although i thought it dragged on a bit. there were scenes that i didn't think were necessary and seemed maybe the director thought it was too funny to leave out.

the title? it's the animal that colin farrell's character chooses. he chooses the lobster because they live 100 years and are able to have sex pretty much most their lives and he likes the ocean. his words. i don't know anything about lobsters.

if sasha gets the belt at summer slam then bayley debuts the following raw and is like, "i'm coming for that title," could they hold that feud through to mania? that's about 7 months.

an asylum match? don't tease us with a bunch of weapons that wont be used.

i love that ethan is on the run for his life and hecate thinks this is a happy, fun adventure.

i'll leave this to someone else.

kinda bummed she's not even on main event or superstars.

didn't hear any pop for dana brooke

geez that's a grim story

i seem to have hurt your feelings. i'm sorry.

absolutely loved the opening scene

your comment got me curious. now i'm in love and i am a crazy person. i will stalk you forever. i hope you like receiving baskets of crocheted thongs.

go through bob ross' comment history. it all makes sense.

nitrogens* !!! gotta get that broken english in

i teared up when donnie and helena had that talk because i knew immediately that helena was going to run away. i want to see a scene when helena's 8 months pregnant and goes on a killing spree against bad guys.

i don't know about hiring but they already did a small doc on a cannibal who killed and ate a couple people. it was really fucking creepy.

doing a trump impression. no really