
i love the vaudeville gimmick because i love vaudeville! i hope they get over with the crowd. maybe if they had catchier phrases than "we! are! manlyyyyy!" i don't know. someone commented here that their music sucks. i absolutely love their music so much.

there could always be mitch 2 ala francesa 2 but steph shut down the ambrose asylum segment so no mitch 2 needed.

- kalisto was incredible.
- i cried for enzo! “enzo was just seriously injured. let’s replay that exact moment a thousand times with a slower replay each time.” - wwe
- disappointed that the crowd didn’t chant “fight forever” during the zayn/owens match.
- i’ve never laughed so much during a match and that is all

eva green is also scrubbing floors in dark shadows if you're into that.

house of cards

reading wiki and in the book, it's a zookeeper who identifies dracula's appearance. fuck you, sweet! what the fuck are you up to?

were they vamps? i thought they were just human blood bags.

teaming up together to take vanessa? they're fighting over her.

we found out that vanessa has to want to be with him and say that to him. she basically just told him to fuck off but i don't think that stops him from coming after her repeatedly. i don't know if i got that right. someone confirm or correct or add on, please.

in the 1st recap, people who had watched the whole season were debating if christine was a sociopath and i just thought of the moment she broke down over michael's death. she obviously cared for him very much. i'm on the side of her not being a sociopath.

the dorian/ethan sex scene seemed more like it was meant to show dorian's irresistibility/enchantment.

i think dracula can hang out in the sun no problem.

seems very possible with this show

the woman on the train is hecate from last season. she is evelyn poole's daughter.

- ethan with that short hair…….
- i am so happy that hecate is in this season. i don't even care if she doesn't have a significant role in any of the storylines. i'm wondering why she's following ethan though. i don't think it's to avenge her mother.
- the close up of dr. seward after vanessa walked out… you have no

wth this is a season review based off the 1st episode. why do people do this? i thought this was a recap of the 1st ep until i read the comments. i'll wait for the recap for my dumbass comments.

you can watch this particular episode on youtube on sho's official channel. either sho's or penny dreadful's official channel.

she said she knew how to take it out and it seemed like she was a part of the neolutionist operations going on at that place.

i think she was watching big dick paul.

ugh, she was retweeting orphan black tweets during the season premiere and i was screaming in my head, "don't you dare fucking do this (fuck with our heads)!"