
I see a community grade. You don't?
It says C for me.

Gail is really over this show, isn't she?


I think the actress, Jess Weixler, is busy making movies.

Really? Amber (without all the Ryan drama), Haddie, and Jabar are likeable to me.

In next week's preview, they're introducing a new guy/relationship and the dilemma is will she tell this guy that she really likes about her pregnancy.

I was irritated enough at the sight of Blais but then Padma says, "You're going to see a lot of Richard this season."

Black Widow movie? Deadpool?

Someone was obviously a Joel to your Julia…

Wait. What? There's going to be a death??

I can't believe I liked Ruby at first.

Just stopped by to say that I'm at the beginning of season 4 and I love this so much. I tried to get into it twice before and it didn't catch. I'm kind of stunned at the lack of awards this show has.

A+ for Gunter.

In the last episode's comments, someone said that Julianna Marguiles said in an interview that she didn't think Kalinda and Alicia would be buddies again. The Kings did an interview and sort of said the same thing but in the interview, they're were only 6 episodes in so maybe? I hope so. http://www.eonline.com/news…

Julianna said that?? When? Where?


I can't remember if Kalinda and Alicia talked at all last season. I'm happy they exchanged a few words.


Excited for this casting. Excited for next season.