
In Blue is the Warmest Color, there was a sex scene between Adele and Thomas and dude had full wood.

YES to the last line. I'm starting to go a little crazy over Josh Hartnett. I never thought I'd ever feel like that.

It was cool to see Olly Alexander!


To me, Bedelia looked frightened. Was her expression supposed to leave us guessing or does everyone think, for sure, that she knew what's up?

I'm with you on Carney but hopefully I'll come around with future episodes.

Yeah, it is subjective. It just doesn't bother me that much if an accent isn't perfect. I think what it is, is that the actor probably worked really hard and is getting torn apart so I feel bad. I'm… sensitive :/

I think all we know so far is that she's a medium and the devil is after her which would explain her feverishly praying to a crucifix. I don't know what the spiders are about.

Curious as to why people are hypercritical of accents. Does it take you out of the show/movie that much? It has so many great things going for it but people just focus in on one person's imperfect accent.

I had to google stetson. What's the difference between that and a fedora?

I didn't see it as that. I saw it as she didn't know what she was going to do to keep them in the conference room and just stalled without thinking of a reason. Then the partners assumed the reason and she just went with it.

Yay! I hadn't even thought about Kalinda coming with but that makes me happy.

Shit, well when you put it like that, it seems very likely.

I know I said it sounds like fun but I thought about it some more and thought about the reality of it, that she's crazy. It wouldn't really be fun having drinks with someone who hears voices.

Have fun!

I think she tends to overact sometimes. She's great. Camelot sucked…..

Duuuuuude, her in Dark Shadows is a REVELATION. I was blown away by her performance. You see that she can do an American accent but more importantly, she can do comedy! Even though it is a very Eva Green role, it was refreshing to see her have fun like that.

Crap, what? I know Mina was kidnapped. I didn't know she was kidnapped by Dracula. Can someone explain? Maybe I just can't remember.