
Hm, interesting. What makes you think that?

That sounds like fun really. I think I'd enjoy having drinks with her.


Into dudes with sharp bangs?

"So far, I'm quite impressed with Penny Dreadful. But, this is Showtime so who knows if it can maintain this quality for long."

"Eva Green raises hell"
Which should be the byline for everything she's done.


Both of Parker Young's shows were canceled.

Kate, I had a friend who did the master cleanse easy. She had no problems with it. I don't know how. Maybe she was faking it but she had done it a few times all without struggle.

"What's your favorite sexual position?"
"Cowgirl? Which way?"
"What do you mean?"
"Wow. Grow up, girl. Is this your first rodeo?"

heavy smoker

okay…. wtf happened at that seance. wow.

You've got me too excited with that comment.

Charlize Theron's bumper photos…..
She sure is an uggo huh…………. -_-

Props to whoever predicted that Gracie was going to get her ass beat.

Kinda bummed to not see what Delphine would've been wearing.


You didn't miss anything. It's still a mystery what her gift or secret is. From the pilot, it seems like she can see dead people? I don't know about the spiders. Yeah… I have so many questions.

I don't know, dude. Does it count as a spoiler if it's in the trailer? And it reveals nothing about the plot!