
I'm on board for that version of Shadow of a Doubt.

The Smurfs vs. The Snorks: The Battle of Fraggle Rock
Directed by Terrence Malick

I was gonna say Labyrinth, but if Bowie doesn't reprise his role, no dice.

2002. Jonathan Demme directed and it stars Marky Mark and Thandie Newton. It's not that good.

"The Truth about Charlie"

I read the interview, and ive heard her in other interviews in the past, yeah she can be a bit much for people i get that, but what I'm saying is ultimately, its not about her or even Adam Sandler…take both of them out of the equation. Look at a precedent that people seem willing to sign off on because they don't like

Jennifer Lawrence can sign with any agency, Jane mcnobody more than likely isn't signing with ICM out the gate, she's gonna have to work herself up the ladder, so mcnobody better invest in push up bras and play the game.

I'm not gonna speak for Pft, but look at it like this McGowan is at a certain level career wise, forget sexuality, lets look at name recognition, now there are actresses out there who aren't at her level..they pretty much have no choice..show the goods or gtfo. Do you honestly believe that's right? Civil discourse.

And yet so many will not get the point.

I confess im ignorant to the thinking on this. I don't get it. I don't understand it. She owes or should show and display her sexuality cause she chose to for whatever reason in the past? How is she the villain in this?

Odd that you had to point that out, and that people don't seem to get it. Actually replace "odd" with "sad".

Just curious. Do you think she could face industry "black listing"?

I agree with this, but in the field of work that McGowan is in don't you think it may carry a bit more of a negative towards her and the possibility of more quality work for her?

When an actor fires an agent they are usually moving up the ladder, when an agent fires an actor, the ladders been put back in the maintenance closet, and you're being told not to go to lunch, cause the boss needs a word with ya. A.K.A your shits a wrap yo.

People were put on blast. This is the Fallout.

Its embarrasing, but I'll throw in with you on knowing Three Dollar Bill Y'all from front to back.

This brings a smile to my face. As a kid me and my friends built makeshift versions of assault and joust in my backyard. After a couple concussions and a broken arm our parents put a quick end to it.

What? You mean the same Mark Wahlberg that used to throw rocks at little black 4th grade girls, while dropping N bombs on them, and chase them out of his neighborhood? What a scamp!

The umbrella he's being shaded with has a rifle handle. *sigh* even the behind the scenes stuff is trying to hard. Fuck this movie, I'll play Arkham Knight instead.

Dishes are done man!