
I'm not a huge fan of the movie at all, but it really is something you have to see for yourself, and i hate to say it, it deserves to be seen on a theatre screen. Its impossible to describe it to anyone who hasn't watched it.

*fires gun in the air while screaming "argh!!!"*

Good song. Great video and she looks amazing.

To be fair though, the south is still kind of segregated. Whenever I visit family in the south I rarely see large numbers of white people.

Wiz led with saying basically no rapper but Max B should use the title "Waves" a couple more tweets about that, then the KK tweet which Kanye (I could be mistaken) took that as a dig at his wife…then he went in.

So you're saying qaulity over quantity? Kanye put a couple of gems out there tho.

Then Pauly Shore said "Dont do it buuudy"

Black directors no, but three have been nominated. Other non whites have won before.

Ikr all those POC hollywood movie studio ceo's and execs are just slipping by all the criticism.

Producers and casting directors are just looking at each other like "ha-ha they're blaming the Oscars… Idiots"

I understand what you're saying, buuuut his jokes not too far off base, the majority of black people aren't gonna watch a movie like "Brooklyn" and probably don't even know of its existence, you don't even need to take a poll on that. Btw I'm black.

Tf was that shit!?! Obviously I'm not a hashtag teen.

Idk Labyrinth had a dog riding a dog, that's a tough act to follow…ride on Ambrosius!!

Funny thing is for the most part the majority of black people still aren't gonna be watching the Oscars.

It's kind of a bait and switch deal. The Oscars and the nominations aren't the real issue, they're the end result of a bigger issue. Why isn't anyone taking casting directors and producers to task?

Tyler Perry isn't pissed cause his net worth is more than any of the people you mentioned, and he owns his own studio.

I doth protest your Moorish behavior, back in your place knave!

I agree with you, but in all fairness people have as much right to criticize Deniro in the same way me and you can look at the Deniro criticism and say that they are kinda BS.

He's not working to survive, or working to prove anything. For as much crap that he's made in recent years he's still got roles he can point to and say "I did that, and not alot of actors out there can even come close" he's the old dude who put in work and now has the cush job that requires no heavy lifting, with
