Childlike Empress

Yeah, I agree with you about the humor. I really enjoy some of the humor, just not the gross-out/juvenile stuff. I started watching this series because I love Elijah Wood and I'm glad it's turned out as well as it did, but it doesn't seem like it would be a sustainable premise for much longer with the mythology. I

See, I much prefer the mythology aspects of the show to the humor. The humor is often too gross for my taste, but I love all of the mind game stuff. Of course, I also liked Lost, so…

Has there been any info on whether Wilfred gets another season?

Speaking of Breaking Bad, does anyone else think Dee kind of looks like Skyler? Like, maybe they could play sisters?

There was also the old lady neighbor he sent into his house, knowing she could be killed (but I can't remember if that happened before Gale got shot or after).

You should move to Oregon. Every sale is a no tax sale.

Wrong. Contagion was caused by the bat-pig.

The most famous Joshua story is when he marched around Jericho and it caused the walls to fall down and they killed everybody inside.

I get it. I've been burned twice by E Online putting spoilers in the headlines of their articles. It's a stupid move, but I don't think AV Club would do something that mean.

Maybe you are being sarcastic, but if not, no worries. They didn't actually spoil the ending. It's just a "script" Dean Norris wrote for Funny or Die.

Or you know, she could LEAVE MIAMI. I mean, even one town over would be preferable. Out of state is an option. Ugh, I am really hating this show this season.

This all looks terribly unfun. Good thing I just discovered Terriers is on Netflix and can finally watch it (after hearing all the wonderful things AV Club has to say about it).

Have your feelings about Jesse changed? If not, wait until episode 7.

@avclub-ddf39be6eb089c51636d28ea68254f5c:disqus If a Yeti comes out of the snow to cover Eric until nightfall and is never seen again, it will probably be the best thing that has ever happened on this show.

Agreed. I love mermaids. They can only help True Blood at this point.

It had to be her, right? Why else would that song have been playing?

Ugh, Hannah McKay is the worst. But now that she's back, I hate her even more. What was up with that convo with Deb? "It's okay that I'm a serial killer because I don't like it, but I do like your brother, so it's okay?" First of all, that is stupid reasoning. Secondly, Hannah was supposed to enjoy killing. When we

Deadwood is in my top 4 as well. I wouldn't even put Mad Men in my top five (although definitely top 10).
1. The Wire
2. Deadwood
3. Breaking Bad (2 and 3 might switch if BB has an incredibly satisfying finale. Something Deadwood was unfortunately robbed of.)
4. The Sopranos

No Country is one of my favorite movies of all time and I think people who don't like Burn After Reading should give it another try. It's hilarious and wonderful.

Ha ha. I almost tricked my boyfriend into going to see it with me based on that very same confusion.