Childlike Empress

I am enjoying Top Chef Masters (and sad they aren't covering it anymore), but I was bummed that Jenn Lewis got kicked off two episodes ago. I've eaten at her restaurant, it is really good and it seemed like her crime (the bread being bad) wasn't as bad as some of the others. Still really enjoying this season and glad

Oh no, my sister is totally planning to name her baby Silas. She'll be so sad.

Just curious, but how do military funerals work? Is it the men in their platoon who perform at the funeral or just whoever is available? Do they have a group who just goes around doing funerals? No one in my family was in the military, so I have no idea.

But what about Todd?

My favorite episode is actually Problem Dog, which doesn't translate as well into apparel.

Wow, did you paint that?

Definitely a puggle. And she might be going as Falcor for Halloween. :)

I thought the same thing. I thought it was so weird that they had already had a funeral, but Arlene's kids didn't know their step-dad/dad was dead. But I guess she just went to the graveyard to cry? It wasn't actually his grave?

My dog does that too! What is this pumpkin thing?

The shotgun covered up that part of his brain was missing, he was hung by the shoulders.

I bought all of the seasons of Oz and my boyfriend and I felt compelled to watch them, since we owned them. It has some good episodes (and lots of fun guest stars), but the show was never all that great and gets incredibly silly toward the end. I enjoyed it, merely for the ridiculousness, but I wouldn't recommend it

In the first scene, when Warlow asks about the pregnancy, as he leaves, you can see the blonde man coming over to stand by his wife. This, of course, doesn't mean Warlow couldn't have fathered the child (Niall), but I'm pretty sure that blonde guy is the pregnant lady's husband.

We all know Miami Metro is the absolute worst at solving crimes, but how did no one notice that Sussman had two, extremely obvious, streaks of blood running down his shirt that were clearly not from having his head blown off? When the morgue gets him undressed, are they going to mention the fact that the guy has two

Martin Starr will be in the Veronica Mars movie, I think.

Yeah, it has to be her. Because then we get the whole "I feel conflicted about killing my creator" storyline and how could the writers pass up that.

Love it, everybody! And no, I wouldn't consider alluding to the Red Wedding spoilery, since it already happened on the show and it doesn't give that much away. (I had heard of the Red Wedding on this site before last week's episode, but assumed it had something to do with Melisandre).

In honor of Game of Thrones ending its season, does anyone want to help me come up with punny team names for my bar trivia league? In the past, we have used "Farts of Wintersmell" and "King's Landing Strip." Can't be spoilery (please)

I don't think he abused her. I think they got in a fight and he put a hole in the wall and the police were called. When Jude and Robin talk about it, Jude seems to be saying that "yes, he has a temper, but no, he isn't abusive and you should like him." Or at least, that is what I got out of it.

My boyfriend and I used to dream of the awesomeness of a Deadwood Babies episode.