Vinz Clortho

I love OK Computer, but I think it's slightly overrated. #blasphemy

Best Radiohead Album Ever
Except, perhaps, for Kid A. I'm not trying to be a contrarian.

Craig Ferguson
Since this whole debacle began I've noticed that Craig Ferguson seems to be much more well-respected that I had previously thought. I haven't seen much of his show. What I have seen has been unimpressive. I need someone to explain his appeal. Or confirm my prejudices.

That's not very nice. Or particularly funny. But after reading this interview, I support your actions.

"…which are available on videotape" just made my day.

Seriously, the whole "Nirvana really wasn't that good" argument that seems to get thrown out there with increasing frequency these days is the most obnoxious form of contrarianism. Go back and listen to "In Utero" again and tell me it doesn't fucking rule.

I heard about 23 seconds of Tom Morello's solo album. It was pretty godawful.

"Alone + Easy Target" is a great song. The first album is awesome and doesn't get the respect it deserves.

But did we really need to know his job tonight? That didn't bother me. Assuming such facts are to be established elsewhere from Wikipedia sometime soon.

Very good but
I hope we get a little more Leon next week.

Mr. Heisler's analysis is not totally off. But Jesus Christ, I think there's still plenty of potential here. First episodes are often a little shaky. I'll give it at least three episodes to win me over.

I would like to hear
what Hulk Hogan has to say about this.