It takes more effort to read & comprehend a Jane Austen novel than it does to watch & comprehend most movies.
It takes more effort to read & comprehend a Jane Austen novel than it does to watch & comprehend most movies.
It's been an interesting case to follow, based on the odd journalistic merits & secrecy issues, but it is difficult to get the gender pronouns right when there's no clarity, nothing official other than the military records & court proceedings.
You're not worthy of response, @avclub-0f582db1571dbc18ef01cfd0ce961178:disqus , but I'll deign to offer one source of this genuine gender diction confusion:
I don't like this cross-media notion of a film that supposedly is "cast in the classic mold of a Jane Austen romance."
PFC Manning was not arrested "for sharing damaging military documents with WikiLeaks."
Girls is not funny, is not clever, is not interesting, is not well filmed, is not entertaining, is not fun, is not rewarding, and is not insightful.
I'd enjoy seeing/hearing the Toshier than Tosh creature to which you allude. This lil Jeselnik chap is nothing like that. He's a candle in the sun.
Only 2 more rape jokes to go…
Who's that?