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I always prefer the Blunch Black of Blotre Blame

Seeeeee my….vest seee my vest made from real gorilla chest.

Fuck lasers. Sharks with Jetpacks is where it's at.

Well it's about the lack of TV….and beer.

Cruises reaction is meant to be way over the top and off the wall, he's a short dude with a super hot wife and his job means he comes in to contact with far richer and more powerful people everyday so his feelings of inadequacy are heightened already.

Sean is dead on, I think.
Although I think it's slightly more subtle in that it's the corruption of
sex that leads to all the death and destruction. So the orgy is a specific Roman (or possibly Greek) ritual where the most powerful people in society "replenish" their power through sex, and Kidman replenishes her power

It's a great final line because the entire film has been about why soulless fucking leads to all manner of dangerous and deadly ends. But even after all that, all Kidman and Cruise can think to do is have sex. It's Kubrick's cold but deadly accurate eye for modern life.

Keepcool and Brocktune discussing movies? Oh my god it's like The Zone.
*decides not to email Kirk*

Uncle Rifle you may want to read up on just who owned and sold what rights to whom.

Oh cheers SATFS for making me feel old, I was in Uni when that turd came out, I remember because it was the first film I ever downloaded online using the sweet as fuck T1 line they had in the Halls.

calling lost girls child porn? ultimate fail.
Also, Moore give thousands of pounds to charity every year so he has a little leeway on the Haiti thing. And Lost Girls cost far far less to create than Watchmen movie did.

So his beard is a tribute to Fat Jim Morrison's? Interesting.

Moore doesn't make Dracula or Jekyll and Hyde as comics he takes public domain characters and fashions his own stories around them. That's very different to dumbing down someone's work to sell action figures.

Fireproof 2: Inflammable Means Flammable? What A Country!

Nah, remember Cavill/John specifically states that Ellen/The 13th didn't evolve from the swamp. There weren't any centurions on Kobol just Humans and the more advanced humanoid Cylons.