
Ned is short of eddard which is not a name I've heard. Sam is short for Samwell which is very uncommon. Jon is apparently not short for Jonathan.

The plan for Jon's group is to circle around and attack castle black from the south, where it is completely unprotected and short staffed (as most of the rangers and fighting men went north) while Mance and the big army distract any remaining fighters by threatening attack from the north side. Jon's group will work to

And while we're at it, there's another mistake in the review. He said Tyrion got his junk cut off, but it was actually Theon.

Bolton is smart and very self interested. It seems to me he is trying his best to hedge his bets. Either Robb wins the war or loses the war. Either way, Bolton wants to come out ahead. Bolton gains very little from returning Jaime to Robb. But he does gain a lot of favor with the Lannisters if Robb loses. If Robb

Actually, next year will be the second half of the third book. But the third book is massive and they plan to go back to 1 book per season-ish after that. If GRRM can publish his next book before the next season starts (it's a possibility, not sure how likely), then he has 4 years to get the 7th and last book out.

Of all the things in GoT which you could call sexist, you're going with Jon and Ygritte? They're two young people in love who had some playful banter about the first time they had sex. Seems pretty sexist to me. 

I don't think this is a spoiler, just a little background, but feel free to report it if it's too much for this thread. The Red God is the same as the Lord of Light. But Jaqen does not follow him/her/it specifically. He only says the Red God demands 3 lives because Arya saved those three lives from burning in a fire