
1) The whole time the Governor was whistling while chasing Andrea I thought he was trying to set it up so that he could use the recording that he made of himself whistling in the torture room to draw her into a trap (YOU THINK THIS IS THE REAL QUAID? type of action). He was recording himself right? While whistling?

"You gotta big ol' lump in yer titty."

Seriously though David Bowie? We get it! You love German public transport!

I like the way he sings the fodor's travel guide to Berlin.

I'm not sure if the show is too white, or if it merely too accurately reflects the lives of the kind of people the show is about. Do you know a lot of white early 20-somethings in NYC? They for sure do not have tons of black friends. After the first season and the uproar about the show being racist and too white, Lena

I had to stop watching and get up and walk away.

Yeesh man. Have you never read American Pastoral? It's basically a lesson in how to write the perfect novel.

There should be one where he's not wearing pants for consistency.

My take on the Adam and Natalia sex scene wasn't that he was being particularly "dark" for Adam. He was fucking her the way he used to fuck Hannah - evil, twisted, a little sadistic. He thought (and she thought, maybe) that she liked it, and maybe she did. Hannah certainly carried over sexual habits from Adam to her

it is incredibly annoying that the playlist is only 28 second snippets of each song. Fuck this article.

It's weird that they can drive to the town where Rick was a cop and Carl grew up in seemingly a few hours but Rick had no idea there was a prison nearby. I mean… as a cop and a resident, don't you generally know where the supermax is in your state?

don't be an idiot: don't use streaming TV sites and then get fined/cable shut off/stern warning letters/electrocuted in Texas.

I will probably dream about that tonight.

So, I watched the original TV miniseries (it's on youtube but I think without subtitles). It's pretty great, and the narration is basically the dude going "how the fuck do these dudes survive this year after year? Holy shit."

Talinn would be great if it wasn't full of drunken Finns.

Is it me, or did Thomas John call Hannah "Dana" the entire time he was talking to her? Man, that character is awesome.

I second the Pulling love. I'm surprised that AV Club, which is where I originally found out about Pulling, didn't mention that it's a remake. I'm sure it won't be anywhere near as awesome.

Fuck that is a terrible song.

Fuck that is a terrible song.

By which I mean that ex special forces dudes happening to be a hostage situations only hope is a tired movie trope, and not that all secret service agents are of course in real life ex special forces soldiers.