
Deadwood is beholden to no living cocksucker.

Is there some unwritten rule that comic book artists have to turn into right wing extremists after a certain age (See Dave Sim)

I don't really see Hershel as having issues - he just doesn't want "his people" getting involved with the new folk because they are quite obviously foolhardy and in constant danger of getting themselves killed by having the gall to walk around insisting that everyone respect their special uniqueness and individuality

Snuff is so so bad. So bad.

The tally isCHAOSREIGNS.

I don't know… are you Kirsten Dunst's right nipple?

Fuck it, I'm Goering home.

Wilson has always said to make a “teenage symphony to God.”

"an terrible past" guys? WTF?

…or is he the BORIS?

He the Wee-Bay, yo.

What Tom JESUS Tom JESUS we ain't even been talking!

I got that it was Bugsy, but why did they give him tourettes?

You are right. Parking foreknowledge is this show's exploding barrel. (you know, shoot a barrel, it blows up.)

I tried to like this show but then I realized it is horrible. Really, really horrible.

I have had this on DVD for about… um… 12 years?

It's not the mix up of there for their that gets me - it's that the guy got it right the second time… The Muslims want to build there Mosque at 51 Park to show the World that they areWinning their War Against the United States Of America!

Most Americans are. Many other people are quite good at being multi-lingual.

Or, really, all the other characters on the show, which is not a good show BTW. Christina Ricci is SUCH a bohemian because she lives in the village, won't wear the girdle and has writer friends who "crash" at her place!!! Character points in big flaming letters!