
The only reason the people on this board accepted me was because they thought I was a gimmick account! If they knew I was real, they would eat me alive. They only loved me because they could laugh at me. And yet, this place made me feel less alone. And now it's going to fade away, like everything else I love. How

See, I knew you had an ulterior motive in trying to court me back. It's always about money with you motherfuckers. You're a fake friend,David, you always have been.

Blood is just a substance like any other substance. You can get it on you a myriad of ways. The fact you would worry about such a mundane occurrence proves your deeply paranoid and unhappy state of mind. It is I who should be worried about you. Any way, why would I talk to you? It's not as if you ever listened to me.

The cops cannot help us anymore. Do you think that the meaning of life can be discussed separately from anything else? Every word I say helps bring you into further awareness of the world around you. You would have me separate life from life. I will not distract you by pretending to enlighten you with fake New Age

What tipped you off, roomie? I thought you were supposed to know me. You don't even speak my language. How can you do this to me? I am gone and gone and gone again. Know me!

Dave, what is your opinion of the sound my feet make? Are they too loud for you? Do they make you scream? What language am I speaking?

I think this is the perfect place for us to mount our discussion. We shall come up with the definitive answer to all of life's questions.

To die by your side, well the pleasure, the privilege is mine

Jack and Jill was the most personal expression of Jewish familial conflict and neurosis in many years. To imply it could have been stolen is to admit you are an idiot.

I'm pretty pissed about it, although Pierce is in many ways the most moral character, so him coming up with it is more of a complisult(to use a term of this shows insipid coinage).

I have many beefs with Community, but gimmicky visuals are not one of them. This episode was much more visually stunning than the usual sub cinematic drivel you see on TV. Unfortunately, hipsters have been indoctrinated to believe that visual creativity is a sign of unhipness.

Too late. How do these motherfuckers think Jack and Jill could be stolen? It's Sandler's completely personal and somehow universal view of family obligation and ethnic solidarity.

"Urban Matrimony". Ha, it's funny, cause they're getting married and they are black. Keep it classy NBC.

Alison's Gambino covers will surely return the spiritual essence and affirmative humanity to the hip hop style that Gambino perverted into narcissistic pathology!

"And the group's final grades perfectly encapsulate who everyone is."
The fact that this show and its fans think people's souls can be rendered in test scores says all that you need to know about it.

“English as a Second Language” has a perfectly apt title. This is an episode of television designed for people who do not understand the language of true communication, and must disguise themselves through cultural affectations. The pop culture references throughout the

I should have my review relatively soon. How many words is the average review?

My goodness, you all sound exactly like me!

I will have mine tomorrow.

Hello! I've heard you praising me in the past, and I just wanted to thank you. Us contrarians must unite against these hipster maniacs, right buddy?