
Yep, I'm a Christian Marxist who supported the Iraq War.

Tell me what you thought of my piece! I also have an essay in the Criterion edition of White Dog(ironically so does my arch nemesis J. Hoberman).

The Oscars are a trick by our capitalist oppressors to debase the art form therefore debasing the public's capacity for enlightened reflection and turning us into sheep.

Communism is the one solution to this problem, and it is fitting that it should spring from a "Community" review page.

Disqus already has caused me great pain and emotional distress. It must not be permitted to rob me of my friend.

Does anyone know how that problem could be solved? Is it because I have my computer remembering my login information for both accounts?

The glitches that are occurring are really quite pathetic, and should have been avoided easily. Me and David use the same computer, but have different accounts. When one of us tries to post something,Disqus will randomly switch accounts! I can't imagine this happening with any other web service. We don't even have the

I don't think he will succumb to their pressure, but I worry about the state of things.

Disqus is now trying to kill my friend Dave, since they realized he is mortal and I am not.

Seriously, even I love The Simpsons! I always assumed there was some magic force field blocking you from posting here if you weren't a fan. I suppose I was wrong.

I approve of this impression!

This movie resembled a Valentine's Day chick flick directed by one of the star's of Jackass while lying in traction.

I actually like all of Neveldine Taylor's work. Look up my reviews. The explanation is pretty simple. If you think I'm a joke, and can't possibly have a decent opinion, then you have to stop liking every Spielberg, Coen Brothers, Edgar Wright, Spike Jonze, or Wes Anderson movie.

Jay Z and Beyonce are more like the realest fake people ever.

The cat didn't have to drink the liquor if it didn't want to. What is this, Prohibition?

Just because people don't take you seriously doesn't mean you shouldn't be taken seriously. Remember that, and you'll go far.

It may be the only legitimate review ever published on this site. I would never have guessed that they would have been able to respect Neveldine/Taylor for the brilliant artists they are.

What really lies beyond the constraints of my mind?
Could it be the sea, with fate mooning back at me?
No, it's just more lock jawed pop stars
Thicker than pig shit
Nothing to convey
So scared to show intelligence, it might smear there lovely careers
This world, I am afraid
Was designed for crashing bores
I am not one

You must be wondering 
How the boy next door turned out
Have a care, and say a prayer
But don't stare because he's still there
Lamenting policewomen, policemen, silly women, tax men
Uniformed whores
Those who wish to hurt you
Work within the law
This world is full, so full of crashing bores
And I must be one 
Because no one