This one's a keeper. Reminds me of being in college, when an IPod was a discman and whichever five CDs you grabbed on the way out. This one was perpetually rolling around in my bag. Good times.
This one's a keeper. Reminds me of being in college, when an IPod was a discman and whichever five CDs you grabbed on the way out. This one was perpetually rolling around in my bag. Good times.
I love 'The Elements of Style'. My copy's so worn that the cover is virtually illegible.
How is 'Jewel Kilcher' not a porn name?
Stupid humor was always a part of Twin Peaks' DNA, especially where Lucy and Andy were concerned, but this just came off to me as a pale imitation of the patented Twin Peaks Quirk.
I've already watched this in context. It was the point at which I was convinced that Lynch had gone Full Troll.
♫ "I fell in to a burning ring of Fyre,
I went down, down, down and the flames went higher …" ♫
1) Steal underpants
2) ???
3) Profit!
Not pictured: RompHims on everyone in this photo.
There's probably something to that. It's similar to the way he casts people with an old Hollywood aura - former child stars or the children of stars. He's casting for who they are, not what they can do.
They never card anyone, either.
I really missed the music. I know creating a creepy soundscape is Lynch's thing, but the original series did a good job of balancing it with the atmospherics of the score.
I absolutely give Lynch kudos for not taking the easy route and wandering nostalgically through the tropes and characters.
My dominant memory of reading that book was "Whoa … I think I'm way too young to be reading this."
As if a cherry pie would go uneaten!
I wonder how many people came into it without having watched the original series? That would be a mind-melter.
Yeah, he has gone full nutjob. It's too bad.
I came around on James eventually. During the first run, I thought James was a total block of wood and Bobby was the real actor. On subsequent watches, I think Bobby's a terrible ham and James is a lot more subtle than I gave him credit for.
It's not just the violence against women, it was the graphic violence. There just seemed something gratuitous about it. Did we really need to see all those women with their eyes shot out? Did we really need to see Evil Coop shoot and smother his accomplice - and then lift up the pillow to take a look?
Just imagine the phone call to Michael Anderson (The Little Man From Another Place): "Yeah, sorry Mike - we're writing you this time. You're being replaced by a talking ball of pus on a twig. An electrical twig. So … coffee next week, maybe?"
That scene between Andy, Lucy, Michael Cera and Not-Truman was fucking painful, as was all the so-called humor involving Lucy and Andy. It went beyond surreal and into trollishness.