Bishonen Knife

That's exactly the conclusion I've reached, too. There were so many other factors at play at the time. Most of the so-called 'victims' of sound were nearing the natural end of their stardom anyway. Some rightly judged it as a good time to make a graceful exit and got the heck out. Others were still reasonably

Even before I saw that making-of footage, the No Surprises video gave me something like a panic attack. I know that's kind of the point, but I still have trouble watching it.

Also, to end this idea that 'few other jurisdiction would prosecute Assange for what he did' - what he allegedly did contained elements of stealthing, which a number of jurisdictions are currently planning to outlaw or officially classify as rape. As they should.

Yeah, pretty much.

Eek. Awkward …

If anyone, it's Thayil who often comes across as a righteous dick in interviews.

It was after the second record came out. It was 'early' in the sense that they never really get to establish a career arc beyond "The guys who did the bee song."

I had a cassingle of Mmm Mmm Mmm. A cassingle.

Billy Corgan is our generation's Fat Elvis.

Sorry, but the hair isn't big enough.

I wish I could find the article I read about a guy who took up the suggestion of "If you hate the NRA, join it and change the culture there," and found it to be a fascist dictatorship, led by a small, rusted-on cabal that nobody could change either from the inside or out. They're a fucking cancer.

That sums them up perfectly. They're more like expertly written fan fiction.

Gremlins is the first movie I remember being banned from seeing, because my parents thought I'd find it too frightening. They made the right call on that one.

Wasn't it one of the films that led to the creation of the M rating? Before then, some pretty terrifying stuff went through to the keeper. Chunk having his hand shoved in the blender in The Goonies springs to mind.

This is also how my brother convinced my parents to let him hire Fritz The Cat.

Oh, jeez … I haven't thought of Follow That Bird for years. That Bluebird of Happiness scene slayed me.

I love that the feature is named after Bedknobs and Broomsticks, which I easily preferred to Mary Poppins as a kid.

I still haven't revisited Pinocchio since I was a kid, specifically because of that sequence. The fear is still too fresh in my mind.

Apparently clearing the rights to all those movie clips has prevented it from ever being officially released. Which is a shame, because they were the best part of the show.

It's right behind the sequel to Coming to America, which is called Leaving From America and involves Eddie Murphy's character being deported in an ICE raid.