Bishonen Knife

The same convicted sex offender who had molested at least one of her own kids, yes.

Ah, Richard Morecroft. There's a name from the Golden Age of Newsreaders. He was awesome.

As usual, everyone flips their lid and gets het up for no reason. She hasn't been fired. She isn't being punished. People, don't perpetuate fake news.

I saw Radiohead live for the first time since the OK Computer tour, and they were frigging awesome.

I saw it on Thursday. Ironically, for a movie about a human consciousness trapped in the body of a robot, it was striking to look at but completely soulless. Rupert Sanders is really cornering the niche in lavish, empty pastiches of better films.

"A protein-infused muscle vodka"

I'm sure this will come up in a Newswire soon, but … RIP Don Rickles. :(

Needs more contouring.

"I fell in to a smurfing ring of fire
Went down, down, down and the flames went higher!"

Yes, monotremes - hairy animals which lay eggs but feed their young with milk. The only biological explanation for Smurfs is that they're monotremes.

I'm chill with it.

As my mother always told me, anyone who electrocutes you repeatedly isn't really your friend.

Yeah, but it was still played for comedy. And the devil called him a 'homo' for deciding against it. Not cool.

Foot tattoos are gross.

All of these movies are solid gold.

See also Animal House. Date rape is OK if it's funny!

Because I was the junior reviewer, I got all the shit that the others didn't want to look at. Jennifer Lopez in Enough, some of the lesser Travoltas … the absolute dregs. I tried to say something positive about each movie but boy, they didn't make it easy. "This is marginally better than digging your eyes out with a

I was briefly a film reviewer back in the early 2000s. This was one of the first films I was given to review.

So they call out the fact that Archie's hair isn't the right shade of orange, but they don't mention the egregious omission of his signature cross-hatched hairdo? SHAME.

Generation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯