Bishonen Knife

Some of it's on YouTube, and it's definitely worth watching. Imagine if they'd taken Invitation to Love and smooshed it together with My Favourite Year.

She had character!

Yeah, that letter sent all kinds of alarm bells ringing. The whole "I want you to shame her into doing what I want" was just the icing on the gross cake.

I'd watch it, just in case Raspberrry Russian Roulade Cake comes up as a challenge.

No Moore Thurston

The same is true of the books. That scene where Aslan is all proud of Peter for making his first killing and tells him to clean the blood off his sword is … something.

To this day, I'm still not sure whether I like Sonic Youth or merely like the idea of Sonic Youth.

I'm binning my failed Baked Alaska in solidarity.

Because Jimmy Carr isn't already the least bit overexposed …

That's my greatest fear, that they'll just fall into all phony conflict and the typical reality show tropes I watch GBBO specifically to avoid.

So who are the new hosts going to be if not Mary and Paul? Jeremy Clarkson and Catherine Tate?

This is what happens when I stupidly go and like a show. It all collapses faster than a Genovese sponge whose eggs have been insufficiently beaten.

I don't think AVC's done a One Season Wonders on Mission Hill. They really ought to get on that.

What an awful, awful title. Both Strunk and White are rolling in their graves.

Was anyone ever honestly taken in by this whole shitshow? Even at the time, I remember thinking that it all seemed a little too pat.

If the Beaverton Police Blotter is anything to go by, they could easily do an NCIS: Pacific Northwest.


Apparently that somersault was not only his idea, but he wasn't going to do the film if they didn't let him do it.

"There’s no earthly way of knowing
Which direction we are going
There’s no knowing where they’re rowing,
Or which way they river’s flowing,
Is it raining, is it snowing?
Is a hurricane a blowing?

And according to his family, he didn't want to disclose his Alzheimer's because he 'couldn't bear to see one less smile in the world'.