Bishonen Knife

I'm positive that Rowling once said she was going to release a 'definitive' version of the books that dealt with some of the over-writing/pacing problems in the later books.

Maybe I need to re-watch it. There were some OK things in the last season, but at the time, I just remember loathing the series finale and thinking that narratively, Season 4 would have been a much better note to end on: the Connor storyline's resolved and Angel & Co are off to turn Wolfram and Hart into an agency of

Nobody re-reads that chapter in Book 5 about Hagrid's brother. Not even J.K. Rowling.

The Dark Tower TRILOGY, dammit!

Buffy seemed to start going downhill just as Angel was hitting its stride. Leaving Buffy at Season 5 and then regarding season 2 of Angel as the beginning of a sequel series would be a perfectly cromulent way of doing things. So long as you also pretend that Angel ends at the conclusion of Season 4, because the final

The Dark Knight felt like two movies smooshed together, one about The Joker and the other about Two-Face.

Ditto for Grease, for exactly the same reason. We're flying now? Well, OK …

Just like the Happy Days example somebody else mentioned, the quality of the show declines in direct proportion to how obvious it becomes that it's actually the shag-haircut, frosted-tip 70s rather the authentic 1950s.

Really, the show changed a lot over its duration. It started out about a white-trash couple struggling to keep a large, complicated family above the poverty line. As early as Season 6, it's about a successful businesswoman, her sassy female friends, and her kids' sex lives. It's a different show, and YMMV as to

I saw the second one at the movies on New Years' Day and ended up sleeping through most of it. Turns out that was entirely the right move.

I know several people who, until they were adults, had no idea that Maria and the Captain even end up getting married. The movie was so damn long that they inevitably fell asleep or were sent to bed long before that part.

And also when he offers some to his mother, she violently shakes her head and looks kind of horrified and sad.

Wow, that really needed a #nottheonion …

Surely somebody somewhere has done a fan edit that keeps all the reasonably interesting Windom Earle stuff, but gets rid of all the pointless subplots? I'd love for Lynch to do one himself in advance of the new series. After all, he's done some pretty interesting things with a botched and truncated TV series before …

Not sure I'll ever bother watching the 4th season of Arrested Development again. Part of it is that the ending of Season 3 was just such a perfect note to go out on that I'd be happier for that to be the official conclusion.

I had already begun losing hope by the time that goddamn dwarf house party at Bilbo's place was ticking into its twentieth minute …

It's interesting that so many people nominate this as where the US version of The Office should have ended, as it's pretty much exactly where the UK version did.

The James/Evelyn plot was probably where it hit rock bottom, but that whole 'Little Nicky is evil' thing came very, VERY close.

Am I glad that Twin Peaks got a second season? Sure. In fact, I originally didn't get into Twin Peaks until AFTER the first season was over and the hype had died down a bit. So there's that.

Really, if we all pretended that Jim and Pam's wedding was the series finale, we wouldn't be missing all that much.