Bishonen Knife

That's weird and campy, but the theme to the Hulk cartoon from the 60s was undoubtedly weirder and campier, even if you didn't spend the past 35 years thinking the line 'Aided by gamma-rays' was actually 'Ain't he unglamorous?':

So they literally are going for the lowest common denominator? Well, makes sense.

In other news, Facebook seems to have changed its curated Trending Topics to hashtag-based actual Trending Topics, and it's awful. More people are talking about more banal and terrible stuff than even I dared dream.

I bet Ted's kids wish they could travel back to before their creepy Dad spent nine years describing his sex life to them in intimate detail.

These Declassified Historical Photos of Sharts Are Pretty Unnerving

Riddle me this, Batman - classic Battlestar Galactica coverage gets cut due to 'low readership', and yet GJI is regularly attracting under 50 comments, most of which are "For the love of all that is holy, GJI is terrible." Whaaa?

Great, Job, Internet.

It is Gates McFadden! She used to use 'Cheryl McFadden' as her professional name as a choreographer, but 'Gates' as an actor.

I distinctly remember thinking, in a probably 1990 or so, 'Well, they said that girl from Labyrinth would be a big star but whatever even happened to her?"

That baby runs a shop in my neighbourhood nowadays. It's pretty awesome to look at him and think "That guy once sat on David Bowie's lap."

Where is this cafe? That woodwork is amazing.

GJI is basically to the AV Club what the Cylons were to the human race, so …

Clearly you meant 'farts dead away'.

Coming soon to Netflix - Adam Sandler's Farting Boner Cops!

The AV Club
Simple … slapstick … laughs … existential despair

Don't go giving people ideas.

Yeah. As @Cookie_Monster says, it seems like an awful lot of trouble to go to. Why not just decide to be more instinctual and giving as a human and leave it at that? Different strokes, different folks I guess.

From IMdB: "Since Prince Valiant's years-in-the-telling story line in the comics was so sprawling and complex, the property is said to have languished at MGM, where no writer could get a handle on it."


After dinner, I had icecream
Fell asleep with Mike Teevee
Woke up in Wonka's arms