Bishonen Knife

As loath as I am to get involved in this argument yet again (SO many times), I will just point out that Christina was kind of loopy herself, and the fact that she now makes personal appearances at drag shows, throwing wire coathangers with the best of them, suggests that she doesn't take her allegations all that

You could almost say this whole movie was an obvious rip off of … Frozen.

Well, you obviously haven't watched as much Mormon porn as the rest of us.

How is 'Modesty Blaise' not a porn star name?

"That much money buys a whole lot of apologies to K-Stew."

The fact alone that it's referred to as EDM makes me feel like we've already reached the stage of William Gibson-style dystopia.

Wait, now Bjork's in on this and it's a trio?

Smithers, have the looking glass shot.

Could you imagine those two doing a duet? The world would melt in amazingness.

You might regret it. I saw them on the OK Computer tour. I had lousy seats and it was in the hands-down-shittiest venue in my entire city. But it was still the best concert I ever attended, bar none.

That's been my scariest realisation of the past few years. To the generation coming up, rock and roll is what, say, swing music was to my parents - a completely irrelevant cultural phenomenon for old people.

You stand around waiting like five years for a Radiohead single, and then two turn up at once. Typical!

I would much rather he just go ahead and do a bunch of singing cowboy movies.

Fir sure.

This Would Be Far Better With Added Fart Noises, Internet!

The truth is that Joan Chen wasn't asked to come back because her performance was too wooden.

Tom Hanks is still waiting for that phone call to do Dragnet 2.

I wouldn't say the phenomenon is isolated to comedians. Look at Elton John. In the 70s he was a flamboyant, subversive showman putting out interesting music. For the past 20 years he's been a boring old man putting out boring old music. Even Phil freaking Collins used to be pretty avant garde back in the day.

If Robert Webb doesn't co-star, I'm not watching.

So, are the Monster Energy Drink people going to bring this one down, too?