Bishonen Knife

It's the curse of King Tut's tomb!

I was not familiar with the Marvin Gaye song, but when I heard it, it was like "Oh, so that's what 'Blurred Lines' would sound like if it were actually a decent song!"

"You wanna hug me, what rhymes with hug me?"

Ugh, I'm so sick of seeing that frozen booger coming out of Leonardo di Caprio's nose.

Taylor John Smith. That's not a name. That's a John le Carré novel.

Even if they do pay you 98$ HOURLY.

Double zing!

Wendy hell are we going to give up on pun threads?

All of these are kinky. All of them.

OK, then what about Space Food Sticks? They've got to be real, it's right there in the title.

Mmmmm … dammit!

Especially as he so closely resembles Donald Trump.

An encounter, or an 'encounter'?

And claimed I could 'help them travel through time' if only I'd help them steal some stuff from terrorists.


I dunno - setting aside the fact that he's an unreliable narrator, HH does claim that his good looks have helped him get away with some of his more despicable behaviour in the past. And Hamm is pretty good at doing the ugly-handsome thing when he wants to.

Now we'll never know who put the ram in the rama lama ding dong …

Hans shot first!

* Spoilers *

The Grammys
The Most Bloated Thing Ever