Bishonen Knife

This film really summed up my disenchantment with the state of modern movie making. Everything is an assortment of old pieces, but it's assembled without a deep knowledge or respect for the art of storytelling. Everything looks so great but feels so inconsequential.

Never thought I'd say it, but this film actually gave me new respect for Lucas' ridiculously detailed political backstory. Sure, it was boring as heck and should never have been pushed into the foreground, but it did give you a sense that below the surface of this world, important and serious things were happening.

In one of the other Force Awakens threads, someone said that JJ 'made space feel small'. That comment absolutely nailed it for me. The world of the original six movies had a feeling of remoteness and enormity that this one didn't have at all.

Anakin's turn is more of a structural problem with the prequels in general than something specific to ROTS, though. We're told all the way through the original trilogy that Anakin was a great guy who just ended up on the dark side but instead, we get the far less interesting story of how a little shit became a big

I know it's taboo to defend any aspect of the prequels, but I came out of The Force Awakens feeling that Revenge of the Sith kicked its ass.

'Moderately enthused' as opposed to 'deeply disappointed' is a good way of explaining my reaction, too. It was not a movie that hit me viscerally, which is one thing that all the Lucas films - good, bad or indifferent - did on some level.

Come on, it wouldn't be Star Wars without at least one name that makes you giggle like a little girl. Count Dooku, I'm looking in your direction.

BB8 is to R2D2 as Rerun is to Linus, IMHO.

Big Red 'I Literally Am Not Going To See This'.

Fun fact: Courtney Love's father was a roadie for the Grateful Dead.

I knew it would be a shoo-in for a list like this.

I know. Ever since it was announced, I've waited to feel more enthusiastic about it, but it still hasn't happened, even though it's set in the Jazz Age AND the HP universe. It just doesn't feel very necessary.

Huh, I thought I was the only one who didn't get the Redmayne love. He was brilliant in the TV adaptation of Tess of the Durbervilles, but he leaves me absolutely cold in everything else I've seen him in.

But where to find it?

'Interesting' is right. I could see what they were trying to do without finding it wholly successful.

Given that the synopsis on Deadline appears to bear zero resemblance to the book and at least some resemblance to Thalberg's life, you have to wonder why they didn't just go ahead and make a bio. The material is certainly there.

Parks and Rec was this year ???

I never know what the intended audience for these sorts of books are. "I like Mad Men! What? A whole lot of other people also like Mad Men and have thoughts about Mad Men and sometimes write slashfic about Mad Men? Um … that's … nice."

If there's not, there should be!

Or that he's 'just a Michael Buble rip-off'.