Bishonen Knife

In the same way that Karen Carpenter didn't die of anorexia, she died because the drugs she took to keep her weight down had severely and permanently messed up her body.

Plus, every band was being pushed in that direction by their record companies at the time. It's the production more than the songwriting that makes them sound so Seattle-y (and if there's one thing that can be said about music of this era, it's that it sounds way more overproduced than we all remember).

Yeah, they're one band that I didn't expect to hold up at all, but listening back on them after hearing this news, their stuff is surprisingly solid.

High-ho silver ride!

Yeah, I found that out when I looked up IMDb to see whether anyone had given him another job after CBGB. Too bad the answer was yes. That whole situation was just appalling.

"Tomas Eldan, the Canadian novelist played by James Franco in Wim Wenders’ lame 3-D melodrama …"

Yeah, the field is not big. The closest I could think of was My Name is Earl or Raising Hope. Even though most of the characters in those were too cartoonish to be taken seriously, they did have that sense of defiant pride in being working class that you never, ever see in shows nowadays. Even The Simpsons had a

Having watched the CBGB movie on Netflix yesterday and finding it every bit as awful as I had expected, can I humbly suggest it for the next MWOF?

I know I harp on about this, but we haven't seen true poor people on television since Roseanne.

Towards the end, Bill Lawrence pretty much openly admitted that he'd run out of plot.

Nobody does.

The FCC's rules cover material broadcast between 6am and 10pm. Comedy Central have a policy of censoring stuff prior to 1am, but that's their policy. Nobody's forcing them to do it that way. It sounds like the producers of Moonlight City are covering their asses (which is not so surprising. Comedy Central feeling that

Just to harsh their mellow, it was pretty clear that Joyce pulled that answer out of the thin air based on the Freud part of the clue.

Well, that's the end of that, then.

Only if it's Songs in the Key of Springfield.

The worst thing is that the person on the other end must be painfully aware of what's going on, especially when there's those [plonk] [plonk] pauses in the conversation while the [fluuuuuussshhhh] conversation is still taking place.

Also available: FitShit. It automatically posts smug updates about your pooping progress to all your Facebook friends and Twitter followers.

Well, this is bullshit. For me, it's Edison cylinders or nothing.

Or public bathrooms. The number of people I hear taking calls whilst in the process of excretion is both ridiculous and gross.

As a cranky old fart, I wholly support this measure and also request that it be extended to movie theatres, where an increasing number of people apparently can't sit still for two hours without texting somebody or checking Facebook.